- 100 Huntley Street Comes to Thornhill Baptist Church. Their report, as well as the entire May 21, 2010 episode, can be viewed online at 100huntley.com
- Christian Week published an article called "Church forms group to support foreign caregivers" on January 8, 2010. Read the entire on the Christian Week website.
- The article "Thornhill Baptist Church, Caregivers Ministry" was included in the November 2009 edition of Milestones and Messages, a publication of the Canadian Baptists of Ontario & Quebec. Read a reprint of the article here.
- On January 4, 2016, The Huffington Post Canada published an article by Annie Zawadi about her experience a number of years ago of being a refugee to Canada who was sponsored by a group of churches in Thornhill that included Thornhill Baptist Church. Annie's article can be read at The Huffington Post Canada.
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- 8018 Yonge Street
Thornhill, Ontario L4J 1W3
- (905) 889-3294
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